...we are all one big happy family...

The most important blood relatives of The Sisters.


Name: Maro
Surname: Flynn
Sex: male
Race: Hashijanda-Salu
Genetic status: deceased (formerly immortal)
Mother: Mirenja
Father: Abiùl 
Hair colour: auburn
Personal status: married to Zaira, 7 children (The Sisters)
Orientation: hetero


Those who know of the circumstances of his death, keep silent. That Majegra is responsible for it, is the only thing everyone agrees on - if however some speak of self-sacrifice. It is but a fact that hadn't Majegra attacked his kingdom, he would likely still be alive, his wife not gone missing and their daughters wouldn't have stranded in and near London. Somehow it does seem that even this is only a small part of the truth, a veiled truth, and his own father in particular, appears to be most keen on preserving the veil.


Name: Zaira
Surname: Flynn
Sex: female
Race: Hashijanda-Salu
Genetic status: immortal
Mother: Serafina Downey
Father: not yet mentioned
Hair colour: black
Personal status: married to Maro, 7 children (The Sisters)
Orientation: hetero


Who is she? What happened to her? Why did Ilionej have to grow up without a mother? The answers to these questions may lie buried in the memories of her sisters. Buried deep. Painfully deep. Only Anjelewa, the oldest of the Seven, seemed to be old and sublime enough to keep silent about the events in a more deliberate way than the other sisters...


Name: Serafina
Surname: Downey
Nickname: Finny
Sex: female
Race: Hashijanda-Salu
Genetic status: immortal
Mother: Jaru
Father: Gemeijo
Sister: Maya McKlosky
Hair colour: grau
Personal status: widowed, daughter: Zaira
Orientation: hetero


Despite Ilionej having visited her often for lengthy conversations, it is not until she decides to run away from her exceedingly neglecting foster parents that the good old Mrs Downey from the other side of the street is indeed her grandmother. Whether she knew of it or was as clueless as her, is something Ilionej decides to rather not question but accept that Grandma seems to be able to tell more about her and her sisters' destiny than either would wish for.

In search for their roots in the past, both are forced to acknowledge that, if though for only a short period of time, Ilionej had been placed in the same orphanage Serafina's sister works at. Another coincidence?


Name: Gwendolynn
Nickname: Gwen
Sex: weiblich
Race: Hashijanda-Salu
Genetic status: immortal
Mother: *
Father: *
Siblings: *
Hair colour: greyish green, formerly auburn
Personal status: widowed
Orientation: hetero

* Information follows after the release of part one


Name: Abiùl Chondroal
Nickname: zu viele die er nicht leiden kann
Sex: male, however not interested in social standards
Race: Hashijanda-Salu
Gen. status: Divine Immortality
Mother: Imra
Father: Rori
Siblings: Aberio, Anija, one other sister
Hair colour: white and almost reaching the ground, formerly dark blond
Pers. status: married to Mirenja, 12 children
Orientation: officially hetero






The Mystery


Name: Aberio Maranmaij
Nickname: Abi-Wabi (at your own risk)
Sex: male
Race: Hashijanda-Salu
Gen. status: immortal
Mother: Imra
Father: Rori
Siblings: Abiùl, Anija, one other sister 
Hair colour: white, bushy, shoulder length, formerly dark blond
Pers. status: a little complicated
Orientation: hetero


Abiùl's twin brother, considered womanizer, known for his very high self esteem. But when it comes to his two minutes older brother, he forgets about his masculine image and becomes overprotective.

Though having had many relationships in his life, while his brother had fairly few, he didn't manage to conceive any children(Abiùl has twelve) which had lead to rumours among women; in all places he had been to; that he may be impotent. But he is, abhorrent to his adventurous nature, just explicitly careful in some regards.


Name: Mirenja Elora Ithanji
Sex: weiblich
Race: Hashijanda-Salu
Genetic status: immortal
Mother: Melva
Father: Mojas
Hair colour: grey, auburn
Personal status: married to Abiùl, 12 children
Orientation: hetero



Beloved wife of Abiùl and mother of his twelve children. She refused to leave Reijiosan, Abiùl's village of birth, ever since they settled down there; not even when Abiùl one day doesn't return from one of his journeys. Waiting patiently, she takes care of their family and the whole village until her missing husband lastly gets washed back ashore, literally. Aware that she only knows about half the mysteries he keeps, she still loves him enough for not even daring to question his longer disappearances.

Their love alone is enough reason for her to assist him in his yearslong attempt of easing the Sisters' misery and accompany the fellowship for a while.


Name: Sethian
Nickname: Seth 
Sex: male
Race: Kranmar/Human
Genetic status: immortal
Mother: he refuses to accept Majegra as his mother
Father: Berboro
Hair colour: black
Personal status: waiting, but...
Orientation: hetero


The actual circumstances under which he came to be an inhabitant of the St.Georges-Orphanage are revealed by him, but are mostly at odds with the truth. As a fact, he hates most of his family and therefore detests being half-Kranmar. However, when fighting among the Sisters, he is unbale to deny that the native fighting skills of this race are coming in handy and he also discovers that fighting with two swords is easier for him than with one only.

There are rumours that he had been Anjelewa's first serious boyfriend...but in what proportion to their genetic relation does this alleged relationship stand? Is the only relation remaining in the end their mutual enemy? Or is there, after all, still a sibling-like friendship?


Name: Anya 
Sex: female
Race: Kranmar/Hashijanda-Salu
Genetic status: -
Mother: Mijorna
Father: Borio, Governor of Savorja
Hair colour: fiery red
Personal status: unknown
Orientation: unknown


The branches of royal family trees grow vast. So it is no miracle that the daughter of the Governor of Savorja, wich is the capital of Minreth, is related to the Royal Family of Savorja, and therefore also with the sisters from our prophecy. After all, these two countries are only separated by the root of the peninsula that has meanwhile been claimed by Majegra's armies, a land named Nephtech.

And thus it is even less a surprise that, as if chosen by the Gods, the Sisters meet her, who just happens to know of the whereabouts of the life-saver, who had helped the Sisters flee from Heroa in their fateful night.


Name: Shori Noraya
Sex: female
Race: Hashijanda-Salu
Genetic status: Divine Immortality
Mother: Nathaleya
Father: Phlibo
Hair colour: white
Personal status: widow of Biljo, 10 daughters 
Orientation: given up


She is Abiùl's grand-aunt, daughter of the Half-Goddess Nathaleja who is worshipped all over Heroa, lives in Chorénme where she runs a little in and provides shelter for a young woman named Meij.

Not much more is known of her, besides her caring demeanour. Yet she carries a lot of accumulated frustration within and still longs for her husband's return, even though he died many years ago.

" . . . Es gibt viele Türen.

Wo sie hinführen, mag nicht immer klar sein.

Nur Janus weiß vielleicht, was sich hinter ihnen verbirgt.

Also sollte man niemals leichtsinnig eine Tür öffnen.

Oder sie am besten gleich zulassen.

Aber wer niemals eine Tür öffnet, wird nie erfahren,

was sich dahinter verbirgt . . ."


Ilionej Yulanda Nephredinja Flynn-Prescott-Stevens